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Parish Centre

Saint Mary’s Parish Centre

Parish Office

Parish Office

For booking Masses, Weddings, Baptisms, Certs, and many other things you can find us between the hours of the schedule!

Do you need any certificate from our Parish?
Download and complete this form and bring it to the Parish Centre or send it completed to our email! We will contact you as soon as possible to help you! 


Open from Monday to Friday:
9.30am-1pm and 1.30-5.00pm
Saturday and Sunday – Closed

Also you can find all the time a priest available for emergencies 24 hours a day.

In our shop you can find and buy a very large selection of religious items!


Mon-Fri, 9.30am-1pm; 1.30-5pm

Tea after 10.00am Mass, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Parish Shop

Parish Shop